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Apple Fritters

I have few days off to do absolutely nothing with Certain Someone home. Today in our shopping we bought a ham among other things. With ham I thought of apples. I love my fruits and veggies , unlike my big baby. With it being cold and homey, a craving entered my head. Apple fritters. These are really easy to make , simple, satisfying, and fattening. I couldn't stop at one. Even Certain Someone came up to kitchen counter to have one after I offered some to my neighbor. He said they taste like apple pancakes, and they do. You can dice the apples or batter up apple rings. The choice is yours. Here's the recipe I used.

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Deborah said...

I love apple fritters, but have never made them before. These look delicious!

The Caked Crusader said...

For some reason (I can't imagine what) the photo of the fritters brought a song to mind that we used to have to sing at infants school - the opening stanza went "hungry hungry I am hungry, table table here I come"
Apple fritters - yummo!

Happy new year and thanks for visiting my blog during 2007

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for an apple fritter recipe. Thanks for the lead!