I'm back. A delayed arrival due to spending the night stranded yesterday in JFK. Sleeping in airports is not fun. Certain Someone had a direct flight back and was ensconced cosily at home waiting for me when I called to tell him of the cancellation from JFK to Chicago. Due to my work ,rates, etc. we had booked separate flights . Have you ever slept in a cold airport on a bench with a bunch of stinky grouchy people?People fighting for personal space and peace.Grumpy airline workers getting attacked by frustrated passengers.I felt homeless almost or like Tom Hanks in that movie Terminal.Anyway I'm home. 20 hours of delays, missed connections, and incompetence going to Sweden and over 24 hours of the same coming back. Mother Nature has been relentless in the Midwest. I wont name airlines but a certain national carrier is not very nice on the communication and customer service front. Finally after several tantrums I got a little something(some food vouchers) from my tantrums, especially as I witnessed my flying companion over from Helsinki and others getting vouchers . I understand weather issues, but they just f***** up my tickets,lost my bags, and other issues along the way causing more confusion.Broke, hungry , and stinky I plunged into a hot tub and slept when I got home. I prayed no one would see me. I actually saw a famous companion of a certain billionaire talk show/media queen in the wee hours at a gate leaving for Bermuda.I have a picture of us together at party from a while back.I need to get cooking again and catch up with all of you guys. Bear with me as I get settled this week. It's good to be home.Beautiful week in Sweden but lousy travel.I guess you cant have everything. But there are some angels out there looking out along the way .

Welcome home Courts .... a nice recipe to take your mind off the travelling. Incompetent nitwits seem to proliferate the airline industry .... almost as though there is a "code of silence" between them and us.
It's nice to get away, but it's even better to sleep in your own bed. Welcome back!
Welcome home! At least the weather here is gorgeous all week. Sorry about all your mishaps! Get some rest.
I agree! there's no place like home!:0 welcome back gal:)
Welcome home! Getting stuck in airports sucks, but we're glad to have you back!
Oh no, not again... You poor thing! Good to know you didn't have to live lika Tom Hanks too long, at least. You will still come back to us, right? :)
Welcome home! I hate delays and staying at airports.
Welcome home. I once had to spend the night at the Miami Int'l airport when thanks to a plane delay we missed our connecting flight to LAX coming from the caribbean. I was NOT happy.
However the airline sent me a bunch of FF miles. That was nice.
Welcome back! It's always good to be home...
It's always good to be home, especially after all the delays you've been through. Hope I never have that when I travel with my kids...
Welcome back home!
Welcome home! Bad travel sucks, good travel is only just bearable!!
I'm looking forward to you getting cooking again too ;)
Welcome home Glamah!!
Relax and chill out ..
Missed you!!
I've been stranded like that and it's no fun. When it happened to me, it was at an airport that closed at 12! I had to sleep outside on the sidewalk like a bum lol. You were lucky you were in NY.
Welcome back...traveling is much more challenging now for some reason then it was years ago! Bet you enjoyed your bed that night???!!!
Hey, pretty lady! You rest now and when you feel like it, we'll eat up your kitchen creations with our eyes :)
Welcome home! I'm so sorry about your travel woes. Take many baths to relax. A little aromatherapy might be nice, too.
It seems as if certain airlines think that because we've paid them money, it gives them the right to abuse us.
Well...petrol costs are "forcing" them to hike fares, which will contribute to keeping customers away...
Now click your heels and say,
There's no place like home,
there's no place like home, (slowly) there's no place like home...
Now, don't you feel better? Heck! It's National Candy Month!
What a nightmare - going and coming. It's experiences and stories like that - that make me just not want to fly at all. Psychgrad just left for France today and she's got one of those milkrun flights - poor her.
Glad you're back and smelling better :)
Welcome home, honey. Sounds like a sh***y flight. :(
Welcome back! There's nothing like your own bed to pep up your spirits.
Glad to hear you made it back safely - sorry it was such a pain!! I'm sure after a couple of nights in your own bed, you'll be feeling wonderful again!
Welcome home! I'm sure it's so nice to nest after such a mess at the airport! Get cozy, rest up and I'll look forward to catching up with you soon.
Wow. Glad you made it back safe and sound. Sounds beyond awful...Hopefully your bath made it allllllll go away!
Oooh so sorry about your flight troubles. There's nothing worse than feeling all grubby and getting stuck in the airport. Boooo. I hope you're nice and relaxed now.
Wow, what a pain. Glad you're back. We're going to be up in Chicago from the 28th through July 7th--I'd love to meet up for dinner or lunch or brunch if you're free. :)
are we talking mr. steadman graham? is that who you saw? just a guess.
also, i feel for you. i had the same experience trying to get from manchester, england to rome. i can't even begin to go into the story b/c it still elicits horrible noises and curses when i try to tell it. in fact i'm grinding my teeth in anger just thinking about it right now. let's just put it this way - airports are the worst place on earth to be with tired, b*tchy people. hey, at least you're back.
Welcome home hon. Sounds like the travelling was a nightmare.
welcome home dear :-) !! you need a full rest now :-)
I never understood how travel came from the root word "travail" until I started having these ordeals. Good to have you home and soaking in a hot tub. Seems adjusting to the outhouse was easier than the nonsense of flying.
Welcome back! Relax a little while settling in! Isn't it awful how you can have such a relaxing vacation and then you have to come back and deal with lost luggage and delays!
Sorry about all of your airline problems. That sucks. At least you got the food vouchers. Beside the point but, I've always wanted to eat at the Wolfgang Puck fast food restaurant at O'Hare. I don't know why.
Oh, and I liked the Terminal. Pretty good movie. Although Tom Hank's accent got a little annoying.
We must see this picture! Is it her best friend or her lover?
Welcome back! Sounds like my last trip when I was "privileged" to fly standby from San Diego to Albuquerque. The price was right, for sure, but it took 24 hours to get back. Same deal - weather. And being a non-revenue passenger, I couldn't scream for food vouchers!
Not funny at all your travelling missadventures!!! I never had to sleep in an airport bench but I know what it is (back in 88 or so) that your smoking seat in the plane becomes a nonsmoking one in seconds... and I was a heavy smoker! Flying got me nervous and non smoking was horrible... But I survived ;-)
Just remember the good times in Sweeden!!!
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