I had a surplus of raisins that had been soaking in rum for a holiday project challenge I'm working on. I also have a ice cream maker that collects dust. So what to do ? Make Rum Raisin ice cream of course. My favorite holiday flavors are that of rum soaked raisins and egg nog. I followed Cuisinart recipe book for Vanilla Bean Ice Cream but added eggnog flavoring( you could substitute egg nog for the heavy cream I suppose) those drunken raisins. Maybe I added to much raisins, as it didn't freeze at first. To much alcohol. But I kept the slushy mixture in the freezer and about a day or two later we had a soft but workable ice cream. It didn't matter as Certain Someone proposed we make smoothies with it at first before the freeze took over. Adult smoothies of course which we thoroughly enjoyed by the fire. The pureed raisin bits didn't look nice in the glass though when we were finished, but it was good and rich.
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream( adapted from Cuisinart Recipe book for Ice Cream,Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet Maker) morphed into Coco's Rum Raisin Ice Cream
2 1/2 cups whole milk
2 1/2 cup heavy cream( * or substitute egg nog)
1 whole vanilla bean
3 large eggs
4 large egg yolks
1 1/2 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon eggnog flavor if available
1- 1 1/2 cups Rum soaked golden raisins and regular raisins ( mine had been soaking for several days).
Combine the milk and cream( eggnog) in sauce pan. Scrape seeds out of vanilla bean and add with pod to the milk/ cream mixture. Bring mixture to a slow boil over medium heat. Reduce to low and simmer for 30 min. Stirring occasionally.
Combine eggs , yolks, and sugar in a bowl. use a hand mixer and blend until its thick smooth, and pale yellow in color for 2 minutes. Should resemble mayonnaise.
Remove the vanilla bean pod from the milk cream mixture. Discard the pod. Measure out 1 cup of the hot liquid. With the mixture on low speed add slowly to the egg mixture to temper. When thoroughly combined pour the egg mixture back into the hot milk mixture . Stir to combine. Cook stirring constantly until mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.. Transfer to a bowl, stir in vanilla and egg nog flavors. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to chill completely.
Pour the chilled custard in your ice cream makers freezer bowl. Add the drained raisins.Turn machine on and mix for 25-30 min. the ice cream will be soft. Put in airtight container and allow to freeze in the freezer until desired consistency. With the amount of alcohol mine took up to 2 days.