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Final Class Project For Wilton 3

Well I did it. Here is my Final Class Project for Wilton 3. My roses looked like crap, but some silver luster saved them. I didn't make varying sizes as well. Considering I rushed this ( baking the cakes the night before, rolling out fondant, making the roses and butter cream to ice the cakes first) in a matter of the night before and a few hours Sunday, I'm pleased. Debating on if I should continue the Fondant and Gum paste final series or take a month off and continue later. I'll be like Scarlett O'Hara and figure it out tomorrow.

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Deborah said...

I'm impressed!! I'm horrible at decorating cakes. I've thought of taking a Wilton class, but haven't been able to find the time. Maybe I'll just have to make the time!!

Anonymous said...

... as you know Courts I know nothing about baking .... but the pictures looked great ... that's one pretty schmick cake to me.

Proud Italian Cook said...

Your cake looks really nice! I've always wanted to do that. We're lucky to live so close to Wilton! Do you go to the big tent sale every year too?

glamah16 said...

Thanks everyone!
Proud Italian Cook- I'm counting down the days to June. It will be my first tent sale and I'll be armed with a list.