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Coconut Almond Tapioca

With the seasons turning I've been craving some simple traditional comfort food. A lot of people detest tapioca. But I've noticed a resurgence especially with the Asian bubble teas you find all over. Those big gelatinous tapioca balls add so much fun to your smoothie. With reading all the Daring Baker roundups, I had a hankering for coconut milk as well.A lot of people used coconut as their flavor for the Bostini dessert. So I went and purchased a few cans and decided to play with a pudding creation. It was either a rice or risotto pudding or tapioca. Tapioca won. I thought I came up with something original until I looked on the box of Lets Do...Organic Tapioca granulated. Their recipe called for the use of coconut milk as well. I followed their to a tee with the exception of a few things. I added more sugar( about 1/4 cup) and a dash of almond extract. I topped it with slivered almonds and coconut flakes I toasted myself.

Coconut Almond Tapioca

3 cups Coconut milk ( approx 2 cans)

1/4 cup quick cooking tapioca

1/4 cup or to taste sugar

1/8 tsp almond extract

sliced almonds

coconut flakes

Combine coconut milk, tapioca, sugar, and extract in a sauce pan. Cook for 15 min until tapioca turns clear, while constantly stirring with a whisk. Remove from heat and let cool. Refrigerate. Tapioca may require more stirring upon serving. Take a skillet and add almonds and coconut. Turn on flame and lightly toss around until lightly browned. Garnish your pudding with crunch mixture.

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Deborah said...

I'm not normally a tapioca fan, but this sounds wonderful! Maybe I'm craving some coconut as well!

Cynthia said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and help me to discover yours. Can't wait to read your exciting posts.

Thistlemoon said...

That sounds wonderful, Courtney! YUM!