My pal Gabi forwarded me a link to a Apple Pie contest to be held next week. I grabbed one of the last spots to enter. My first culinary contest! There will be some heavy hitting judges. So this morning I decided to put my 'concepts ' into reality. I researched and researched via books and the Internet . Seems not much is original( as I googled my original ideas to see if they have done) but a a lots of variations on a theme. I never realized so many pie crusts combos existed, but with experimentation I've found a good base crust, that I added to to compliment each of my concepts. I wont post my ingredients yet, as the the contest is next week. I made mini pies to test on my friend Vicky, Auntie Mame,and Certain Someone. I slightly over cooked the first one ( but lesson learned on how to adjust temps, etc.) to accommodate my various components. The pies will be judged on taste, appearance, fillings, etc. I can not add any other fruits so I'm limited to spices, juices, etc. I couldn't wait to post as I figured out how to start photographing better. I still need some work in that area, but I will get there some day.

I love apple pie and have a go-to recipe, but I would love to see your finished recipes so I can try something new!
hey fellow hyde parker :) i'm gonna be making an alice waters-inspired apple tarte over thanksgiving. your pies look absolutely scrumptious. are those peanuts i see topping off your pies or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me?
Yes they are nuts. Peanuts on one sde. Pecans on the other. Need to choose one. Alice Waters was here last week at Green City Market signing her book.
Wow, those apple pies look gorgeous! I really fancy the ones with peanuts!!!
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