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Foodie Blog Roll

When I get into something, I really get into it. Starting a food blog and joining Daring Bakers has led me to some outstanding blogs . I've noticed a lot of the these blogs have a a small logo and scroll down menu of other food blogs. So naturally I clicked on the logo and found out all about the Foodie Blog Roll. Its a endless addictive chain! Now I'm exposed to even more great blogs from all over the world.And its free. So check out the sidebar and explore the culinary blog sphere. You may meet new friends or find old ones in the process. Its a small world and were all hungry.

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1 comment:

Deborah said...

Yes, food blogging is very addictive!! I am notorious for starting things and getting bored with them several weeks later, but ever since I started food blogging, I haven't been able to stop! And the foodie blog roll is great - if I finish reading the normal blogs I visit and still have a craving to read more food blogs, I just start clicking!