I can just imagine my Monday morning water cooler chat.
How did you spend your weekend.Oh I tried some Absinthe and went to see ATB.They would look at me blankly and wonder what the hell I was talking about. ATB was new to me, however Absinthe was on those 'Things to do before I reach 40 list",which is rapidly approaching. Where did all those years go?Back in the day , just released from the nuns at a school which will remain nameless, my parents turned me loose in Paris. A night like last night would be a weekly occurrence.Certain Someone loves DJ's like ATB. Unfortunately he was away and I had to represent . I planned to have fun because I havent had a evening like this in a while. A German friend had brought over some Tabu Absinthe. Its legal now to bring into the US, and there are some US producers. A few of the group had it in Prauge and don't have pleasant memories of it, taste wise.In reading I hear the Czech ones are the worst. The Thirty Something Frat Boy men gathered shots glasses lighters,and sugar and tried to prepare it.No one knew what they were doing. I was trying to recall this sexy scene with Susan Sarandon and Jude Law in Alfie where she tries to educate him on to prepare a proper glass. Cant find it on You Tube. Needless to say we just downed it with some sugar on the bottom. Now water ,as I am to find out is essential. However I read the brand we consumed can be taken straight. Half liked the anise flavor,and half wanted to hurl. All of us were warm and fuzzy as it was 100 proof someone said.We all started talking about how old were getting and how our joints don't seem to be like before.I thought it was just me. We were skeptical of the twenty somethings that would be at the event. Nothing hallucinogenic happened to us that evening. We all continued to imbibe vodka as we watched the Go Go type dancers in their neon pink underwear and boots, on raised platforms , dance to the 'Messiah' like DJ. Thank goodness we were cordoned off in our Yuppish VIP section while the masses in hundreds danced on. Where did these people come from and what do they do by day we asked. Then I remembered I was one of them once and I turned out alright.All in all a clean crowd. I was rather surprised. I made it to bed at 4:45 forgoing the after hour party in some Russian Bath House. No Thanks. The old timer Thirty Somethings grabbed some Burritos from one of those Taquerias on Ashland(good eating), and bitched about how we were going to make it through the week. I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a truck, and I didn't even get drunk.That's why I don't party anymore. I leave you with Monsieur Creepiness to see how to prepare Absinthe properly.

Ha! A good story. I'd better stay away from The Green Fairy, I can tell that right now. Sort of intriguing, though, as it was taboo for so long here and all.
Didn't realize you were in Illinois; I have to add you to my list of Chicago food bloggers!
Congrats on doin' Absinthe...it's the new "rite of passage"!
Now dare tell us your dreams...
Still haven't done the absinthe thing. Guess I'll have to put it on my list of things to do before I turn 50...
Did you chase the green fairy? Guess not if you didn't hallucinate. Fun times. I think only if your absinthe contained wormwood would have hallucinated. Otherwise you're just drunk! In fact, the US only approved absinthe being legal again (in 2007) ONLY if it was free of the hallucinagen that's in wormwood. DAMN... the US and it's puritan ways takes all the fun out of stuff!
I was sent an email to try some absinthe but just discounted it. Perhaps I should revisit it:D
Trying absinthe is on my to do list as well. But, it's not the same list as yours because I'd have to change that age limit. haha
great post.
Well, it's on my TO DO list as of now! haha. Wow. Quite an experience.
How decadent! hehe
Oh what a night! I tell you I can hardly stay up till 10pm nowadays.
I tried absinthe once - it was a struggle for me as I loath aniseed - disappointed that I didn't hallucinate!
Never again!
I tried it once - wasn't that big of a deal for me...but it is fun to say I tried it! ;)
Sounds like a fun night. Absinthe is a bit strong, but I rather like the aniseed flavor.
My hallucinating days are long gone!! ha ha
We got a bottle of absinthe as a wedding gift, but haven't cracked it yet. Might have to!
Wow, what a wild time. I've never tried Absinthe before. My uncle was a finalist in an Absinthe art contest. The prize was like, a crate of Absinthe. I don't think he won, though.
I wish I had lived in Paris.
Oh what a great night you had by the sound of things. I haven't done the absinthe thing yet either.
Rosie x
Nice pic. I always imagined Walgreen's version of Dayquil to be like Absinthe: green and slightly anise-y.
Sounds like you had a great time. I have yet to try Absinthe. That is definitely out of my league. My drink of choice......Cheerleader water a.k.a wine coolers. lol
wow, you are gutsy girl! Absinthe?? really??!!:D
Have only heard of, but never did the absinthe thing. Actually, I got an email from someone who markets the stuff asking me to review the product. I declined.
I kept nodding all the time as I read your comment about noting being able to party like before. I know what you mean! :)
What a fun, fun post! I've had Pernod and Pastis w/out absinthe, so I have an idea as to the flavor. As I understand it, the hallucinogens have been filtered out for U.S. consumption. Some brands are over 150 proof - scary! The prices are frightening, too. But I would love to have a couple of those spoons as funky curios to hang in my kitchen w/ my Maurin Quina Le Puy print. ; }
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